Project Info:

Psychic Source has been a leader in the niche market of psychic readings for over 30 years. The existing mobile app did not reflect the current branding, or industry standards. My goal was to create an experience curated to fit consumer needs and expectations while also strengthening the brand.

I researched what the competition was doing, I got input from customers and even talked with the psychics about what they thought would be important. I knew that the app would be minimal at launch, but would be iterated on in the future, so I designed for right now but kept expansion in my mind.

After launch, the downloads increased exponentially and the response from the customers, the psychics and my collegues was overwhelmingly positive.

Project Details:

  • Company:Psychic Source
  • Role:Lead Designer
  • Focus:UI, UX, Research, Prototyping
  • Date:04/2019
  • Case study